"I saw a very interesting survey two years ago. 20 cases of "stolen funds" from e-Gold were actually thoroughly investigated. And do you know what they found?
In EVERY SINGLE CASE the owners of the accounts had given away their password!
By "giving their passwords away" they were referring to things like unprotected computers that had keyloggers and trojans (in other words, by NOT protecting their computers, they had, in effect, "given away" their details).
Also on the list were..
- Using public computers,
- Having the same password for forums and programs they had joined as for their e-Gold account,
- Having full details of their accounts and passwords stored unencrypted on their computers (like in a Word or .txt document) etc.
Again, in every single case that was investigated, it was found that those that had their accounts hacked into had somehow "given" their details away!
For your security, never click on an e-gold link in an email. It's too easy for thieves to make it look like it's going to www.e-gold.com when it's really linked to another site... owned by someone who wants to steal your login information and your e-gold funds.
O.K. Now to answer your question!
What makes e-gold so secure now?
As you more than likely know, e-Gold has the facility to use an extremely long and complicated password, like :
Then, they have the Secure Randomized Keypad facility to enter your Passphrase. Use the SRK in case your computer is infected with a keystroke logger or virus. It's the blue circle..

They also have Turing numbers which expire quickly. (If that happens, you need to refresh the login page to get a new Turing number.)
Several months ago, they introduced a "Computer ID" system. That means, if anybody tried to log into your account from a different computer, they are refused.
In order to get into the account, e-gold immediately sends a one-time 6 digit PIN to your own, personal e-mail address. This is valid for 15 minutes only. You have to use that PIN to enter into your account. This protects you if, say, you buy a new computer, but prevents other people getting into your account if they use a different computer.
E-Gold now also have an IP recognition system whereby the IP you are registered with is recognised, and if different, again you have to enter a special PIN which is sent only to your personal e-mail addy. This is good news if, for example, you change your ISP, but bad news for hackers who are using a different computer and/or ISP.
Finally, e-Gold has recently switched their own IP to that of Prolexic, the professional anti-hacker/DDOS providers.
While it would be unwise to use words like "impossible" ... with their present set up it is now ALMOST impossible for a hacker to get into your account (unless, of course, they are using the same computer, the same IP, have access to your personal e-mail, and you have "given away" your details through sheer ignorance or stupidity)."
My own experience when I lost my egold password
Several years ago, I hadn't used my egold account for a long while and had probably changed computers in the interval. And I couldnt find my egold login details. So I contacted egold and had to wait for their letter to reach me here in Australia with a new password. As frustrating as that was, egold had protected my account. Now I keep better records in an encrypted form in a nifty piece of software called Roboform but it does illustrate another aspect of e-gold's security system.
Cost of e-gold
Incidentally e-gold is also cheap to use. We moved US$500 from one e-gold account to another and the fees were only 80 cents.
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