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Thanks a lot.
I will echo the words of many in this thread. It takes discipline, study and perseverance.
I have been a professional trader since 1988 (yes I have the silly jacket, badge and access). I was going to go on a rant here, but honestly I don't have the time.
Maybe this will help... it is 12:10 EST on 01/31/012 I jumped in this morning at 9:00 am and have already pulled $3,380.00 Profit USD out of the currency markets. That puts me up to $11,190.00 USD profit for the week (mon, tues and today).
I love chaos (bankruptcies, fed takeovers, etc.) because it creates volatility and volatility is what makes forex traders money.
I trade a very simple proprietary system that is based on 1 indicator and price action.
And no I won't share it. Nothing personal but it took me 3 years of in the trenches trading to develop and most newbies wouldn't understand it anyway.
For me (and most "real" traders would agree) trading is a state of mind. It is when you break through the technical crap and become an intuitive trader (you "feel" the market) that is when you become successful.
This takes patience and discipline.... most traders blow out their accounts before they ever hit the nirvana of being a trader.
Sorry for the rant. (actually I am not).
however I have grown weary of newbies thinking they can beat the markets after having some marginal success in a "demo" account over a few days.
Seriously consider this [url=]Extreme Day Trading[/url]
My name is Riley and I represent a credible & respectable financials for binary options.
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Please let me know if you are interested, and what the cost would be.
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Riley Stuart
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