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7 World Greatest Investors

February 25, 2010

Do you all know who are the 7 greatest investors in our human history?

Let's look at the exciting story about each of them.

#1: Warren Buffett

~ Known as "Oracle of Omaha", top of the world's greatest investor list.
~ Follows principles of value investing (Benjamin Graham), he becomes the 1st or 2nd richest man in the world
~ If you invested $10,000 in his company Berkshire Hathaway, today you have above $50 million.
~ He donated most of his wealth to Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

#2: John C Bogle

~ Founder & Retired CEO of Vanguard Group mutual fund
~ Pioneered no-load mutual fund & low-cost index investing
~ named "Investment Giants" of the 20th century by Fortune Magazine

#3: Peter Lynch

~ One of the best stock-pickers in the world
~ Managed the fastest growing fund Fidelity Magellan Fund from 1977 to 1990
~ His fund grew from $20 million to $14 billion
~ Author of world best selling investment book "One Up On Wall Street", "Beating The Street" & "Learn to Earn"

4. Julian Robertson

~ Had the best Hedge Fund record throughout 1980s & 1990s
~ His hedge fund is world famous, Tiger Management
~ Compound rate of return was 32%
~ Named as "Wizard of Wall Street"

#5. Michael Steinhardt

~ 24% compound average annual returns over a 28-year period
~ Investor of wide range of instruments, including stocks, bonds, long & short options, currencies.

#6. George Soros

~ Legendary currency speculator
~ Shorted $10 billion on British pound & generated profit of $1 billion in a single day
~ Known as "the man who broke the Bank of England"
~ Also famously known as someone who "trigger" the Asian financial crisis in 1997

#7. John Templeton

~ He is a Billionaire
~ Pioneer of globally diversified mutual funds, Templeton World Fund
~ Before him, no one had heard of investing overseas

Success Always with You,

P.S. ***Hot***
Rating 9.6 out of 10

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December 15, 2009

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Free Forex Signals - 10.12.2009

December 10, 2009

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